Welcome to Ouroboros Logos ~ The Alchemy of Words

For me, words are the source of life.  Hidden within their meaning, they contain the origin of creation.  They breathe existence into the world and colour it with inspiration.  I believe that words are transformational.  They gift you with joy and pride, while also depriving you of self worth; uplift and enlighten you, or vanquish you into despair.  They can deafen you with their silence and resound through your entire being.  Words hold truth and lies.  They are intoxicatingly rich like the sweetness of honey, but can also leave salt on your lips.

We no longer chisel our stories into stone, or paint them onto papyrus.  We no longer put ink to parchment and hardly even put pen to paper nowadays.  In a world that moves at lightning speed, words have been diminished.  Phrases reduced.  Significance lost.  My intention is to share with my readers my passion for words in hopes that they may impart knowledge, insight, wisdom and stimulation; and I pray that somehow, in their magical and alchemical ways, my words help you to grow, evolve, and transform.

On these pages, are my words.  I welcome you to read them.

Daniela Masaro