
I’ve spent my life writing as a creative release and have been fortunate enough to transform this passion into a career. My professional writing work has focused mainly on the travel industry as a staff and freelance writer. I have also written and published articles in areas of education, culture, lifestyle, and health and wellness.

My work in marketing has focused on Company Branding, Social Media Marketing, Customer Relationship Management, and Search Engine Optimization.

I offer professional services for both business and personal needs and am always open to new projects. If you require any writing, editing, marketing, or design services, please contact me for a customised quote. Let me assist you with creating content and documents that are clear, provocative, inspiring, and successful.

Please click here to read testimonials from former clients.

Writing Services

  • Editorials & Articles
  • Newsletters
  • Blogs
  • Press Releases
  • Travel Itineraries
  • Travel Stories
  • Brochures
  • Letters & Proposals
  • Copywriting
  •  Ghostwriting

Editing Services

  • Essential Editing
  • Proofreading
  • Rewrites

Marketing and Design

  • Web Design
  • SEO & Web Content Management
  • Social Media Marketing
  • Print Advertising
  • Targeted Marketing Content
  • Promotional Copy
  • Graphic Design
  • Customised Logos, Banners & Ads


  • Private Lessons to help you improve as a writer
  • One-on-One Personal or Online Support & Coaching
  • Inspiring Writing Workshops


“Daniela has been an exceptional addition to the Sacred Earth Journeys team for several years. Her well-researched and impeccably written travel itineraries inspire our clients, and her passion for travel and writing truly shine through her work. The monthly newsletters she designs and writes for us are very creative and receive good click back statistics as well as praise and positive feedback from our readers. Her insightful and thought provoking blogs and social media efforts have helped drive new traffic to our site while keeping current fans entertained. The eye-catching promotional flyers she designs have also come in handy at tradeshows and events. Daniela’s excellent attention to detail has helped me immensely with web management and editing. Best of all, she is always prompt and efficient with all the tasks she takes on and never fails to deliver. I highly recommend her services.”
~ Helen Tomei, President Sacred Earth Journeys & Sacred Earth Journeys Blog

“In just a few short months, Ms. Masaro proved to be an invaluable asset to our company. Her marketing strategies and advice have been extremely effective, driving traffic to our website and attracting a greater audience. This in turn has resulted in confirmed increased sales. Her efforts on our Facebook business page have also been vital. She took a page that had been sitting stagnant for the greater part of a year and enhanced our presence and customer interaction in astronomical ways. Due to her strategies and online engagement, our relevant fan base more than doubled in less than 3 months’ time. Statistics over the past few months show that our monthly active users have increased by an average of 200%, our new “likes” by 75%, our post views by approximately 90%, and our overall post feedback has increased by a whopping average of 700%. Her blog posts and articles have also encouraged interaction and discussion, which has proven most useful in customer retention management. I welcome, and very much look forward to any future contributions Ms. Masaro can offer our company, and do not hesitate at all to recommend her to others.”
~ Filip Filipovic, Director of Interactive and Usability Travel Zest PLC

“Daniela’s thoughtful writing captured the essence of the retreat I was planning to teach in Kauai. Her ability to match photos with the perfect writing is uncanny, and her sense of being able to tap into what I wanted to convey through words and photos was spot on. I would definitely ask her to write for me again, and am happy to say I recommend her hands down to anyone looking for a writer and graphic artist who is a master at both! The ad she made for my retreat was very well received as I received many compliments on it.”
~ Dr. Alexina Mehta, N.D.

“Parents and teachers found Daniela Masaro’s article “Sacred Nutrition: The Spirit of Mealtime” (Winter 2011 issue of LILIPOH) very useful. Feeding young children is about much more than food. Daniela highlighted health, the rhythms connecting to nature and gratefulness.”
~ Christy Korrow, Editor LILIPOH Magazine

“Daniela was a huge life saver for me. Her expert edits and rewrites captured what I wanted to say and gave me the professional edge I needed. She listened to my concerns and even knew exactly what I was looking for without me even needing to ask. I will definitely be calling on her again for my next project.”
~ K.G., Website Publisher

“Daniela’s work is efficient, thoughtful and precise. I was astonished at how quickly she managed to accommodate my time-sensitive requests. Working with her creates ease and flow within projects and I feel fortunate to have been able to benefit from her talent.”
~ Ashley Rose, Conscious Living Network

“Daniela has been such a benefit for my business. Her knowledge with search engine optimization and websites has greatly helped me to get a better understanding of what is required for my website. She is patient, and professional. I would highly recommend her to anyone wanting to build their website and I would definitely call Daniela again for future work.” ~Tracy Bester, Whispering Willows

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