Tag Archives: royal wedding

The Royal Wedding – A Modern Fairy Tale

Ok, I’ll admit it.  I’m a fan of the British monarchy.  Perhaps it’s because I grew up spending time in our home library flipping through my mother’s book collection of the royals.  Let’s see, we had my all time favourite, The Royal Family Pop-Up-Book, An Invitation to the Royal Wedding, Diana Princess of Wales – The Book of Fashion, The Queen, Born to Be King – Prince William of Wales, The Royal Review (need I go on?), so I really can’t be blamed.  Or maybe it’s because, like most little girls, I grew up simply wanting to believe in the fairy tale.  I still do.

When I mentioned to my friends and family earlier this year that I would be finally visiting the UK this spring, the recurring question, was, “will you be there for the wedding?”  Sadly, no, I’ll have to miss it because my invitation never arrived.  (I’m sure it just got lost in the mail.) While I could have planned my trip to coincide perfectly with the wedding of the decade on April 29, I decided to pass and arrive a week later to avoid the crowds, which I’m really not a fan of.  Instead, I’ll be doing what every other loyal foreign fan of the royals will be doing on that joyous day, and just watch the whole thing on the telly.  However, I think I’ll tune out (or just mute) all the boring news commentary and try to let myself be captivated and enchanted by the whole scene and romance of it all.  Since I can’t seem to find my own Prince Charming, even though I do hear there is a slew of eligible royal bachelors available at the moment, I shall have to live vicariously through “Kate and Wills” for now.  Don’t get me wrong, I do realize the life of a princess, such as the one Kate will have, is not all glitz and glamour.  Life in the public eye is invasive, stressful, and not romantic at all, so I’m more than happy to avoid this type of lifestyle, but I think an occasion such as this helps us keep the fantasy alive.  Life is all too real so we could all use a little magic and make believe every now and then.  I know I’ll take it in whichever way it comes.

So, if a royal celebration can make the world stop for a moment and believe in love, romance, and fairy tales, even for just a moment, so be it.  I’m pleased as punch and chuffed to bits about the whole thing and ready to hop on board that double decker bus and ride the ride as far as it can take me.  I’ll get the kettle on and have myself a cuppa while I watch the whole thing in vivid colour.  And I for one, would be happy to welcome Kate’s pretty face on one of our coins.  We’re way over due for some “change”.

Thus, I send my blessings to the soon to be newlyweds.  May they have a life full of love, joy, peace, and prosperity.

Pip Pip and Cheerio!

If you want to follow the wedding buzz, get in on all the action, and be up to date on the current news, be sure to check out  The Royal Wedding Web Page.

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